Allow using Redux Devtools directly without remotedev
Breaking: elmish v4 subscriptions support
New subscriptions support
Elmish 4.0 support
Upgrade Thoth.Json to version 6
Keep FSharp.Core requirements lowered to 4.7.2
Release stable version
Upgrade Thoth.Json to version 4
Fix #38: Upgrade Thoth.Json to latest version
Elmish 3.0 release
Fix #33: getActionType via remotedev
Better display of nested messages
Fix #30: Add Thoth extra coders
Fix #28: Converting circular structure to JSON
Elmish 3.0 release
Elmish 3.0 opaque Program
Elmish 3.0 compat
Thoth serialization by Alfonso
Stable release for Fable2
inlining for Fable2 reflection to work
Re-releasing v1 for Fable2
backporting the build
report errors fix by @zaaack
debounce by Alfonso
dotnet 2.0 SDK build
Fable 1.1.x build
Using FSharp.Reflection, all the glory goes to Jonathan Ohlrich
Targeting Fable 1.x
Safely continue if the monitor is not available
Adding basic import support
Releasing the debugger support
Everyting that Fable can inflate
should work when time-traveling
Simple state works
Initial debugger release