Let's define our model:

type Model = int

type Msg =
    | Increment
    | Decrement

Handle our state initialization and updates

open Elmish

let init () =

let update (msg:Msg) count =
    match msg with
    | Increment -> count + 1
    | Decrement -> count - 1

Rendering views with ReactNative

Let's open ReactNative bindings and define our view using them:

open Fable.ReactNative
open Fable.ReactNative.Props

// define our button element
let button label onPress =
    text [ TextProperties.Style
            [ TextStyle.Color "#FFFFFF"
              TextAlign TextAlignment.Center
              Margin (dip 5.)
              FontSize 15. ]]
    |> touchableHighlightWithChild
        [ TouchableHighlightProperties.Style
            [ BackgroundColor "#428bca"
              BorderRadius 4.
              Margin (dip 5.) ]
          TouchableHighlightProperties.UnderlayColor "#5499C4"
          OnPress onPress ]

let view count (dispatch:Dispatch<Msg>) =
    let onClick msg =
        fun () -> msg |> dispatch

    // construct RN view
    view [ ViewProperties.Style
            [ AlignSelf Alignment.Stretch
              Padding (dip 20.)
              ShadowColor "#000000"
              ShadowOpacity 0.8
              ShadowRadius 3.
              JustifyContent JustifyContent.Center
              Flex 1.
              BackgroundColor "#615A5B" ]]
         [ button "-" (onClick Decrement)
           text [] (string count)
           button "+" (onClick Increment) ]

Create the program instance

Now we need to connect to native parts generated by react-native CLI using the ID that was used to create it, let's assume we called it counter:

open Elmish.ReactNative

Program.mkSimple init update view
|> Program.withReactNative "counter"
|> Program.run

And finally, we have to make changes in default index.ios.js and index.android.js to call our app:

import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import * as app from './out/App';

and that's it.